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COOL:Joe Press Coverage

Sterling tool worth its weight

Cool:Joe eases building EJB applications—from design to maintenance
By Antone Gonsalves, PC Week Online, January 17, 2000 12:00 AM ET,4153,2421926,00.html

Calling all dot.bams and Click and Mortar Companies
By John Desmond, Software Magazine, 25th January, 2000

Sterling and Sun initiatives boost Java language
VNU, Newswire Editor, 30 Sep 1999.

COOL:Joe Press Releases

Jan. 24, 2000
Sterling Software and BEA Systems Partner to Deliver Powerful e-Business Development Environment

Jan. 24, 2000 Sterling Software and Secant Technologies Form Alliance to Provide First End-to-End Solution for Next-Generation Enterprise JavaBeans

Jan. 24, 2000 Sterling Software Releases New Enterprise JavaBeans™ Technology-based Development Tool with Support for the Java™ 2 Platform

Jan. 24, 2000 Early Adopters Praise Sterling Software’s COOL:Joe™

Nov. 23, 1999 Sterling Software and CityJava Bring Together Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) Technologists To Discuss EJB Use at the Enterprise Level

Sept. 22, 1999 Sterling Software Announces New Java Development Tool for Enterprise-scale Distributed Internet Solutions

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